Welcome back to school!

Welcome back to school!

- Hugo vermaak

, August 14, 2023

As the summer comes to an end and the start of a new school year approaches, we as parents may start to notice the unease in our children and or young adults. The return to school triggers heightened anxiety. A typical school day is replete with potential stress-inducing factors: the pressure to meet academic standards, the task of managing peer dynamics, and the challenge of navigating through bustling and noisy school corridors and cafeterias, among a plethora of other difficulties. My-E-Health can help ease this behaviour and allow the student to focus on well being, self confidence and provide the tools to cope with, in some cases this everyday chaos! We can work with the school’s and students in an online session with the privacy and sensitivity required. Contact My-E-Health to learn more and to bring out the very best to have a successful year!